No Beige Beige world after all

Here's the final product for the new warp: woad for the blue (with different soaking times for different intensities); marigold for the orange; tansy for the lighter yellow; and golden marguerite for the gold. Now comes the fun part - warping it up.

A final note though - I continue to remain awed at how easy and satisfying dyeing with plants is. Below is an array of wool I dyed naturally: from left to right, Black walnut hulls (dark brown), Black-eyed Susan (lighter brown), Dyer's Coreopsis with Marigold and baking soda (less brilliant orange), Dyer's Coreopsis nudged with baking soda (orange), Golden Marguerite flower heads (daffodil yellow), Goldenrod (paler yellow), Curly Tansy (pale greens), Golden Marguerite leaves aka Dyer's Chamomile (yellow-green), Goldenrod overdid with woad (acid green), and woad (bright blue). Of course if you are going for dye lot consistency, you will have to approach it very scientifically, take careful notes and allow for the beauty of subtle variation.  Even then, it will be hard to get guaranteed results every time.  But because of the way natural dyes tend to blend well with each other, results will probably still be quite lovely.  Mother Nature might not always supply consistency, but thank goodness for that.  'Twould be a boring, beige, beige world if she did.